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(2) 最优线性滤波技术
分别于2001 年、2007 年在j9九游会官网登录入口信息科学技术学院获学士、博士学位。2009 年至2010 年赴澳大利亚联邦科工组织(CSIRO)任访问学者。
1. 2014年度教育部青年英才计划
2. 两篇论文获得会议最佳论文奖;
3. 2017年j9九游会官网登录入口教学成果一等奖
4. 2007年获j9九游会官网登录入口信息科学技术学院第二届青年教师教学基本功大赛获得一等奖
5. 2007年获j9九游会官网登录入口第七届青年教师教学演示竞赛(理工类)优秀奖
北京通信学会会员;担任多个国际学术会议的TPC Member;担任j9九游会官网登录入口(天津滨海)新一代信息技术研究院第五代无线通信研究中心副主任。
1. 2017-2020 高精度宽带模拟多抽头滤波器及凸优化理论研究 自然科学基金面上项目
2. 2013-2014 面向IMT- 2020(5G)系统及关键技术研究 中国移动通信有限公司
3. 2012-2014 天波通信同频复用组网理论与关键技术研究 自然科学基金青年基金
4. 2011-2013 同频干扰影响下的宽带蜂窝系统容量研究 教育部新教师基金
1. 合作撰写《5G无线传输关键技术》电子工业出版社出版;
2. 发表学术论文50余篇,代表作如下:
[1] Shuyi Tian, Meng Ma, Yuli, Yang, Bingli Jiao, “Blind analog interference cancellation,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 21, pp. 1867-1870, April, 2017.
[2] Yabo Shi, Meng Ma, Yuli Yang, Bingli Jiao, “Optimal Power Allocation in Spatial Modulation Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, pp. 1646 – 1655, Jan. 2017.
[3] Sanjun Liu, Meng Ma, Yunzhou Li, Yingyang Chen, and Bingli Jiao, “An Absolute Secure Wire-Line Communication Method against Wiretapper”, IEEE Communications Letters, Year: 2016, Volume: PP, Issue: 99
[4] Chang Liu, Meng Ma, Yuli Yang, Bingli Jiao, “Optimal Spatial-Domain Design for Spatial Modulation Capacity Maximization,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 20, Issue 6, pp. 1092-1095, June 2016.
[5] Yingyang Chen, Li Wang, Zijun Zhao, Meng Ma, Bingli Jiao, “Secure Multiuser MIMO Downlink Transmission Via Precoding-Aided Spatial Modulation”, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 20, Issue 6, pp. 1116-1119, June 2016.
[6] Miaowen Wen; Xiang Cheng; Meng Ma; Bingli Jiao; H. Vincent Poor, “On the Achievable Rate of OFDM With Index Modulation”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, Issue: 8, pp. 1919 - 1932, 2015.
[7] Bingli Jiao, Miaowen Wen, Meng Ma, and H. Vincent Poor, “Spatial Modulated Full Duplex,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 641-644, Dec. 2014.
[8] Hongyu Cui, Meng Ma, Lingyang Song, and Bingli Jiao, “Relay selection for two-way full duplex relay networks with amplify-and-forward protocol”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume: 13, Issue: 7, pp. 3768 – 3777, July 2014.
[9] Feng, Cheng, Cui Hongyu, Ma Meng, and Bingli Jiao, “On Statistical Properties of Co-channel Interference in OFDM Systems,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 17, pp. 2328 – 2331, Dec. 2013.
[10] Leiming Zhang; Lingyang Song; Meng Ma; Bingli Jiao, “On the Minimum Differential Feedback for Time-Correlated MIMO Rayleigh Block-Fading Channels,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 60, pp. 411– 420, Feb. 2012.
[11] Meng Ma, Xiaojing Huang, Bingli Jiao, and Y. Jay Guo,"Optimal Orthogonal Precoding for Power Leakage Suppression in DFT-Based Systems," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 59, pp. 844 – 853, Mar. 2011.
[12] Meng Ma, Xiaojing Huang, Y. Jay Guo, “An Interference Self-Cancellation Technique for SC-FDMA Systems,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 14, pp. 512–514, June, 2010.
[13] Meng MA, BingLi Jiao and William C.Y. Lee, “A Dual-Window Technique for Enhancing Robustness of OFDM against Frequency Offset,” IEEE Communications Letters. vol. 12, pp. 17–19, Jan. 2008.
[14] Weihua Li, Meng Ma, Xiaohui Duan, Bingli Jiao, “Comments on “On the Bounds of Feedback Rates for Pilot-Assisted MIMO Systems”,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. pp. 4657-4659, vol. 58, Oct. 2009.
[15] Hongbing Cheng, Meng Ma and Bingli Jiao, “On the Design of Comb Spectrum Code for Multiple Access Scheme”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 57, pp. 754–763, Mar. 2009.
3. 近5年申请专利31项,已获授权6项。